



  • 研究领域(Field of Research)

    Marketing, focuses on Service Marketing, Consumer Behavior and Marketing Channel.


  • 主授课程(Courses offered)

    Marketing Management, Retailing and Research Methodology


  • 教育经历(Education)

    BSc, Mathematics, Shanghai East China Normal University, 1982.

    MPhil, Marketing, South China University of Technology, 1991.

    PhD, Marketing, City University of Hong Kong, 2001.




  • 工作经历(Experience)

    Professor and Associate Dean, School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, PRC (2001 – Present).

    Teaches both graduate- and postgraduate-level courses in Principles of Marketing, Marketing Research, International Marketing, Marketing Strategy and Research Methodology, etc. Manages MBA program and liaises with overseas universities.Supervises Mphil, PhD and MBA thesis.


    Associate Professor and MBA Director, School of Business Administration, South China. University of Technology, Guangzhou, PRC (1993 – 2001).

    Taught both graduate- and postgraduate-level courses in Principles of Marketing, Marketing Research, International Marketing, Strategy, Marketing Strategy, and International Finance, etc. Assisted the MBA Director to implement MBA program.Supervised Mphil and MBA theses.


    Lecturer/Assistant Professor, School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, PRC (1982 – 1992).  


  • 奖誉(Honors)

    Visiting Scholar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 1989 – 1990.


  • 科研项目(Research projects)


    1 Principal Investigator, “Transfer and Innovation in Retail Technology.” Natural Science Fund, PRC, 1994 – 1996.


    2 Principal Investigator, “The Strategic Study of Retail Technology Transfer and Diffusion in the Village of Guangdong Province.” Humanistic Science Research Fund, GuangdongProvince, 1999 – 2000.


    3 Participator, “Strategy Study of Building and Developing Science and Technology Intermediary Service System in Guangdong Province”, Science and Technology Bureau of Guangzhou, 2001.6-2002.6


    4 Principal Investigator, “Strategy Study of Commodity Trade Circulation Industry Developing in Guangdong Province ”, Guangdong Province, 2002.12-2003.12

    主持省部级项目“广东商贸流通业发展策略研究”, 2002.12-2003.12

    5 Participator, “Cooperation Study in Science and Technology Planning for Guangzhou with its Peripheral Cities”, Science and Technology Bureau of Guangzhou, 2003.1-2005.12


    6 Principal Investigator, “Internationalization Mode Study of Enterprise Technology Innovation in Guangdong Province ”, Guangdong Province, 2003.12-2004.10

    主持省部级项目“广东企业技术创新国际化的模式研究”, 2003.12-2004.10

    7 Principal Investigator, “Internationalization Strategy Study of Private Enterprise in Guangdong Province ”, Guangdong Province, 2004.1-2005.12

    主持省部级项目“广东民营企业国际化战略研究”, 2004.1-2005.12

    8 Principal Investigator, “Influence and Strategy Study of Consumed Structure Converting and Upgrading Trend on Economic Structure Adjustment in Guangdong Province ”, Guangdong Province, 2004.7-2004.12

    主持省部级项目“广东省消费结构转型升级趋势对经济结构调整的影响和对策研究”, 2004.7-2004.12

    9 Principal Investigator, “Study of Promoting Sino-Foreign Trade Enterprises to Introduce Technology and Absorb Innovation Ability ”, Guangdong Province, 2005.6-2006.12

    主持省部级项目“推进外经贸企业引进技术吸收创新能力研究”, 2005.6-2006.12

    10 Principal Investigator, “Study of Logistics Technology Development and Logistics Development Strategy in Hong Kong ”, Hong Kong and Macao Developing Research Center of State Department, 2004.9-2004.12

    主持国务院港澳发展研究中心委托项目“物流技术开发与香港物流发展战略研究”, 2004.9-2004.12


    1 Principal Investigator, “Study of Marketable and Functional Orientation for Zhengjia Commercial Plaza ”, Guangdong Province, 2002.1-2002.6

    主持企业委托项目“正佳商业广场的市场及功能定位研究报告”, 2002.1-2002.6

    2 Principal Investigator, “Study of Functional Orientation and Supplier Combination for Zhengjia Commercial Plaza ”, Guangdong Province, 2003.6-2003.9

    主持企业委托项目“正佳商业广场功能定位及商户组合研究”, 2003.6 -2003.9

    3 Principal Investigator, “Study of Passenger Liner Enterprises in Guangzhou: Strategy Planning and Process Reengineering ”, Enterprise Fund, 2004.2-2004.6

    主持企业委托项目“广州市客轮公司战略规划及流程再造研究”, 2004.2-2004.6

  • 著作论文(Major Publications)


    1 Sha Zhenquan and Alan K. K. Chan (1998). Theory and Practice: Chain Operations in China. Guangzhou: South China University of Technology Press (in Chinese).


    2 Sha Zhenquan, Oliver H. M. Yau, and Raymond P. M. Chow (2000), “Chain Stores in China – Development, Problems and Prospects in China Business: Challenges in the 21stCentury, Oliver H. M. Yau and Henry C. Steele (eds). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.


    Sha Zhenquan (2006), 《Retailing》, Guangdong High Education Press.



    1 Irene Hau-siu Chow, Thamis Wing-chun Lo, Zhenquan Sha, Jiehua Hong (2006). “The impact of developmental experience, empowerment, and organizational support on catering service staff performance”, Hospitality Management, 25 (2006), pp478-495.

    2 Sha Zhenquan and Oliver H. M. Yau (1999), “Examining Rogers and Shoemaker’s Factors Affecting Adoption of Innovation: The Case of Retail Industry in PRC,” in the Proceedings of Annual Conference of Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Region: Melbourne.

    3 Sha Zhenquan and Oliver H. M. Yau (1998), “An Exploratory on the Evolution Model of Chinese Retailing Institutions and Their Factors Affected,” in the Proceedings of Marketing Exchange Colloquium, Academy of Marketing Science, Vienna.

    4 Sha Zhenquan. Innovation Technology Diffuses in retailing Industry. Commercial Economics Review, 1999.6

    沙振权. 创新技术在零售业中传播扩散. 商业经济文荟, 1999.6

    5 Sha Zhenquan, Qiu Feng. What We Can Get from Convenient Stores of Hong Kong. Commercial Economics Review, 2001.6

    沙振权,秋枫. 从香港便利店发展的经验看其对内地的启示. 商业经济文荟, 2001.6

    6 Sha Zhenquan. Time Strategy of Super Market. Market Modernization,  2001.9

    沙振权.超级市场的时间策略. 商场现代化, 2001.9

    7 Sha Zhenquan, Sun Hong, Chen Rongqiu. Current Situation Analysis of Commodity Circulation in Guangdong Province. Commercial Economics Review, 2001.10

    沙振权, 孙洪,陈容秋. 广东商品流通现状分析. 商业经济文荟, 2001.10

    8 Sha Zhenquan. Analysis of Chinese Retailers’ Perceive Degree on Innovation Technology. Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University(Social Science), 2001.10

    沙振权.中国零售企业对创新技术的认知度分析. 北京工商大学学报, 2001.10

    9 Chen Rongqiu, Sha Zhenquan, Sun Hong. Suggestions on Accelerating the Development of Modern Circulation Industry in Guangdong Province. Commercial Economics Review, 2001.12

    陈容秋, 沙振权, 孙洪. 对加快发展广东现代流通业的建议. 商业经济文荟, 2001.12

    10 Sha Zhenquan. Retailer’s Buyer Quality and Purchasing Strategy. Commercial Economics Review, 2001.12

    沙振权.零售商的买手素质和采购策略. 商业经济文荟, 2001.12

    11 Sha Zhenquan.  Opinions on Government Management:  A Member of Chinese National People’s Congress. Solidarity, 2002.4

    沙振权. 一个政协委员对政府管理的两点思考. 团结, 2002.4

    12 Zhang Liang, Sha Zhenquan. Shopping Mall Development in Mainland based on Taiwan Experience. Commercial Research, 2002.7

    沙振权,张亮. 从台湾的经验看购物中心在中国大陆的发展. 商业研究, 2002.7

    13 Sha Zhenquan. Opinion on Shopping Mall Development. Commercial Economics Review, 2002.8

    沙振权.对购物中心发展的一点看法. 商业经济文荟, 2002.8

    14 Sha Zhenquan. “Nonggaichao” and Consumer Behavior. Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University(Social Science), 2002.11

    沙振权. 农改超与消费者行为. 北京工商大学学报(社会科学版), 2002.11

    15 Sha Zhenquan, Zhang Liang. Strategy Study of Retail Technology Transfer and International Commerce Localization. Commercial Economics Review, 2002.12

    沙振权,张亮. 零售技术转移和跨国零售商业本土化策略研究. 商业经济文荟, 2002.12

    16 Sha Zhenquan, Ding Wen. Retail Industry Development in Middle-size and Small-sizeCities. Market Modernization, 2003.2

    沙振权,丁文. 我国中小城市零售业的发展现状及对策. 商场现代化, 2003.2

    17 Sha Zhenquan. Shopping mall Development in Mainland Can Learn from Those in Taiwan. Overseas Collections, 2003.2

    沙振权. 发展大陆购物中心可借鉴台湾经验. 海外集粹, 2003.2

    18 Sha Zhenquan, Ding Wen. Profiting Customer Loyalty. Commercial Times , 2003.6

    沙振权,丁文. 将顾客忠诚利润化. 商业时代, 2003.6

    19 Sha Zhenquan, Hong Jiehua. The Exploration of Retailer’s Customer Satisfaction Measurement Method. Commercial Economics Review, 2003.8

    沙振权, 洪洁华. 零售企业顾客满意度测试方法探讨.商业经济文荟, 2003.8

    20 Sha Zhenquan, Hong Jiehua. Shopping Mall Form Conflict and Characteristics Choices. Commercial Times, 2003.9

    沙振权, 洪洁华. 购物中心业种冲突与特色选择. 商业时代, 2003.9

    21 Sha Zhenquan, Wang Jing. Online Retail Customer Value Exploration. Commercial Economics Review, 2004.11

    沙振权,王静. 网上零售顾客价值初探. 商业经济文荟, 2004.11

    22 Wang Jing, Sha Zhenquan. Retail Logistics: E-retail and its Distribution Mode. International Conference Paper, 2004.7

    23 Sha Zhenquan, Wang Jing. The Internationalization Strategy of Enterprise Technology Innovation in Guangdong Province. Commercial Economics Review, 2004.11

    沙振权,王静. 广东企业技术创新国际化战略. 大经贸, 2004.11

    24 Sha Zhenquan, Wang Jianhua. Marketing Channel Integration Model and its Meanings to China. Commercial Economics Review, 2005.4

    沙振权,王建华. 营销渠道整合模型及对我国的启示. 商业经济文萃, 2005.4

    25 Wang Aihu, Sha Zhenquan. Study of International Logistics in Guangdong and Hong Kong: Detailed Analysis of International Sea Transportation Development Trend. Journal of South China University of Technology(Social Science Edition), 2005.5

    王爱虎, 沙振权.粤港国际物流研究:粤港国际海运物流发展态势详析. 华南理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2005.5

    26 Wang Aihu, Sha Zhenquan. Study of International Logistics in Guangdong and Hong Kong: Basic International Logistics Infrastructure. Trend Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition ), 2005.7

    王爱虎, 沙振权. 粤港国际物流研究:粤港国际物流基础设施. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2005.6

    27 Guo Yuehua, Wang Xianghua, Sha Zhenquan, Asymmetric Information Game Analysis on the Choice of University Technology Transfer Mode. International Proceedings Paper, 2005.7

    28 Sha Zhenquan, Wang Zuohua. The Exploration of Department Stores Chain. Commercial Economics Review, 2005.9

    沙振权, 王作华. 百货连锁探析. 商业经济文萃, 2005.9

    29 Sha Zhenquan, Jiang Hailong. Study of Convenient Stores Developing Mode in China. Market Modernization, 2006.1

    沙振权, 姜海龙. 我国便利店发展模式研究. 商场现代化, 2006.1

    30 Sha Zhenquan, Lv Bin. The Application of Customer Delivered Value in Real Estate Industry. Commercial Economics Review, 2006.3

    沙振权, 吕彬. 顾客让渡价值在房地产企业中的运用. 商业经济文荟, 2006.3

    31 Sha Zhenquan, Zhang Depeng. Research on the Theoretical Model of Factors Affecting Consumer's Perception Quality of the Products of Private Brand. International proceedings paper, 2006.8

  • 社会兼职(Social Appointments)

    Member, The 10th Chinese National People’s Congress.

    Member, The 9th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).


