城市配送网络与运营优化 Urban delivery planning and operational optimization
即时零售前置仓网络规划 Forward warehouse network planning for Instant retailing
最后一公里配送优化 Last-mile delivery optimization
无人机配送网络规划与运营优化 Drone delivery network and operations planning
可持续交通 Sustainable transportation
电动车充电设施规划 Electric car charging facilities
电动货运网络优化 Electric truck transportation optimization
拼车与网约车运营优化 Car pooling and hauling operations management
人工智能与大模型应用 AI and large-scale models
智能优化算法 Intelligent optimization algorithms
情绪识别大模型 Emotion recognition models
平台运营优化:Platform operations
消费者选择模型 Consumer choice models
运营优化与最优定价 Operational optimization and optimal pricing
设施规划与投资分析:Infrastructure planning and investment analysis
港口设施规划 Port-related infrastructure planning
物流设施规划与运营优化 Logistics facilities planning and operational optimization
System Simulation, Supply Chain Management, Spreadsheet Modelling and Business Applications, Operation Mamanagement, Forecasting and Decision Naking
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Ph.D in Industrial Engineering.
香港理工大学, Research Assistant
MVA Hong Kong,Analyst
新加坡国立大学, Research Fellow (Scale A)
BMT Asia Pacific, Principle Consultant
Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, USA, Visiting Scholar
国家自然科学基金面上项目,“公交网络线路与发车频率协同优化问题的元启发式算法研究 ” ,主持
参与香港理工大学研究项目“Optimization of production planning in printed circuit board assembly”(编号PG05),参与
Cash replenishment planning system for a cash delivery company:Develop the ATM cash usage forecast model and releated cash replenishment planning system for Suitong Ltc, the largest cash delivery company in China.
Operations Optimization Model and Algorithm Development for an Online Shopping Platform: Designed and implemented algorithms for the recommendation system and promotional budget allocation for one of China's largest online shopping platforms.
Productivity Improvement Project for a listed PCB manufacturing company in Hong Kong:This project was to improve the productivity for the company with an advanced planning and scheduling system for PCB manufacturing.
Benete Port Operations Optimization, Indonesia: Conducted discrete event simulation to assess operations at Benete Port, optimizing layout and providing phased recommendations for capacity expansion and service improvements.
Micronesia Inter-Island Logistics Planning with Simulation, Micronesia:Optimized inter-island logistics in Chuuk using simulation, evaluating outsourcing options and designing operational plans for port infrastructure.
Simulation-based EV Charging Facilities Planning Optimization Platform:Developed a simulation platform for planning EV charging facilities, addressing site selection, pricing strategies, and demand forecasting.
日立供应链优化项目 - 该项目针对日立在亚洲区内生产设施的供应链提出改进方案,针对供应链结构、设施布局、流程管理、订单管理等方面进行改善,提高供应链效率并减少供应链成本。
Hitachi supply chain improvement project - This is an on-going project aimed to propose improvement measures for the supply chain in Asia. The project focused on the improvement in supply chain structure, facility locations, process management and order management, with the ultimate goal of improving supply chain effectiveness and reduce costs.
Global Shipping Carbon Price Impacts on Australia’s International Shipping Costs and Maritime Trade:Assessed the impact of IMO carbon pricing on Australia’s shipping costs, analyzing carbon pricing models and their effects on future shipping competitiveness.
Indonesia Container Logistics Study, Indonesia:Analyzed Indonesia's container logistics, evaluating port and inland transport, and proposing solutions to optimize the value chain.
柔佛腹地货流市场研究,马来西亚:评估柔佛港 hinterland 货流,提出吸引失去货物的策略,分析市场趋势与港口竞争力。
Johor Hinterland Cargo Market Study, Malaysia:Assessed cargo movements in Johor Ports’ hinterland, developing strategies to recapture lost cargo and analyzing market trends and port competitiveness.
Strategic Development Plan for Hong Kong Port 2030, Hong Kong:Supported the Hong Kong Port 2030 master plan, analyzing throughput forecasts, engineering assessments, and economic impacts.
Offshore Wind Ports Master Plan for Taichung Port, Taiwan:Developed a master plan for Taichung Port to support Taiwan’s offshore wind industry, covering demand analysis, port design, and supply chain logistics.
Dubai Ferry Transport Masterplan, UAE:Developed Dubai’s first ferry transport masterplan, analyzing demand and integrating ferry services with other transport modes.
Penang Port and Special Economic Zone Feasibility Study, Malaysia:Conducted a market and financial feasibility study for Penang Port and Special Economic Zone, supporting investment decisions.
Port of Portland Offshore Wind Support Study, Australia:Assessed the Port of Portland’s capacity to support offshore wind projects, providing facility improvement recommendations.
Hong Kong Cross-Boundary Patronage Study, Hong Kong:Developed a transport model to evaluate cross-boundary patronage between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, supporting future facility planning.
Klang Ferry Terminal Development, Malaysia:Conducted a market study for Klang Ferry Terminal, proposing facility requirements and operational improvements.
Powdered Formula Supply Chain Improvement Measures in Hong Kong:The project was conducted for Hong Kong Government and aimed at developing and testing measures for improving the performance of powdered formula supply chain in Hong Kong. In particular, an in-depth analysis of the powdered formula supply chain was conducted, from overseas manufacturing, sea transportation, local warehousing and distribution, and retailing network. Improvement measures were developed and tested with main objective of reducing stock-out rate in the market.
Research on Live Poultry Supply Chain in Hong Kong Against Aviation Flu:Conducted a extensive research on the supply chain of live poultry in Hong Kong. Proposed measures for the government to improve the live poultry supply chain in terms of reducing the aviation flu. Risk analysis and simulation methods were adopted to evaluate different measures under various scenarios.
Journal papers:
•'Optimizing Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure on Highways: A Multi-Agent-Based Planning Approach' Sustainability 15, no. 18: 13634. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151813634, 2023, 'Wu, Yongzhong, Yikuan Lu, Zhijie Zhu, and José Holguín-Veras.'
•Optimal Planning of Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities Considering Demand Stimulus Effects, International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1504/IJADS.2025.10060814, 'Wu Y*, Zhu Z, Chen X, Chen H.'
•A Hybrid Optimisation Strategy for Large-Scale Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows using Solution Initialisation,International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2024.10063184, 'Yongzhong Wu, Minqi Xu, Mianmian Huang'
•Evaluating Impacts of Anchorages Reprovisioning Scheme on Mega Port Operations: Simulation Approach,International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, forthcoming.'Yongzhong Wu, Youhong Liao'
•Impacts of Shipping Carbon Tax on Dry Bulk Shipping Costs and Maritime Trades—The Case of China, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, “Wu, Yongzhong; Wen, Kang; Zou, Xuelian;”
•Optimal pricing for ride sharing,International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering,2022,'Wu, Yongzhong; Chen, Xiangying; Lu, Yuxin; Zhou, Yongwu; '
•Large-scale vehicle routing problem with massive precedence and cluster constraints,International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences,2022,'Wu, Yongzhong; Huang, Simin; Chen, Yu; '
•Impacts of Delivery Charge on the Possibility of Consumers Using Online Food Delivery,Sustainability,2022,'Wu, Yongzhong; Lu, Yikuan; Huang, Simin; '
•Economics of Battery Swapping for Electric Vehicles: Simulation-Based Analysis,Energies,2022,'Wu, Yongzhong; Zhuge, Siyi; Han, Guoxin; Xie, Wei; '
•Bubble tea consumption and its association with mental health symptoms: An observational cross-sectional study on Chinese young adults,Journal of Affective Disorders,2022,'Wu, Yongzhong; Lu, Yikuan; Xie, Guie; '
•Strategic decisions on the establishment of an offshore warehouse for manufacturers with an e-commerce channel,International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering,2021,'Wu, Yongzhong; Wang, Qiran; Zhou, Yongwu; Huang, Mianmian; '
•Simulation-Based Operational Evaluation of a Single-Berth Multipurpose Seaport with Wharf Space Restriction,Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,2021,'Xie, Wei; Zhuge, Siyi; Wu, Yongzhong; Xiao, Dan; '
•A VNS solution and objectives tradeoffs for real-life large-scale vehicle routing problems,International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering,2021,'Wu, Yongzhong; Huang, Mianmian; Yu, Jianjun; Wang, Qiran; '
•Data-Driven Cash Replenishment Planning of Recycling ATMs with Out-of-Cash and Full-of-Cash Risks,International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (IJISSCM),2020,'Zhou, Yongwu; Wang, Qiran; Wu, Yongzhong; Huang, Mianmian; '
•Optimal online channel strategies for a hotel considering direct booking and cooperation with an online travel agent,International Transactions in Operational Research,2019,'Ye, Fei; Yan, Hui; Wu, Yongzhong; '
•Economic design of an integrated adaptive synthetic chart and maintenance management system,Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods,2018,'Wan, Qiang; Wu, Yongzhong; Zhou, Wenhui; Chen, Xiaohong; '
•A TBE control chart-based maintenance policy for a service facility,Computers & Industrial Engineering,2018,'Wan, Qiang; Liu, Chunhui; Wu, Yongzhong; Zhou, Wenhui; '
•Optimal advertising/ordering policy and finance mode selection for a capital-constrained retailer with stochastic demand,Journal of the Operational Research Society,2017,'Zhou, Yong-Wu; Cao, Bin; Zhong, Yuanguang; Wu, Yongzhong; '
•Optimal maintenance policy for a system with preventive repair and two types of failures,Computers & Industrial Engineering,2016,'Zheng, Zhibin; Zhou, Wenhui; Zheng, Yanfang; Wu, Yongzhong; '
•EPQ models for items with imperfect quality and one-time-only discount,Applied Mathematical Modelling,2015,'Zhou, Yong-Wu; Chen, Jiayin; Wu, Yongzhong; Zhou, Wenhui; '
•A regression-based cycle time estimator for the PCB placement machine, A regression-based cycle time estimator for the PCB placement machine, 2014, “Wu, Yongzhong; Liu, Jiangwen;”
•An artificial bee colony algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem,European Journal of Operational Research,2011,'Szeto, Wai Yuen; Wu, Yongzhong; Ho, Sin C; '
•A simultaneous bus route design and frequency setting problem for Tin Shui Wai, Hong Kong,European Journal of Operational Research,2011,'Szeto, Wai Yuen; Wu, Yongzhong; '
•A solution method for the component allocation problem in printed circuit board assembly,Assembly Automation,2010,'Wu, Yongzhong; Ji, Ping; '
•The vehicle routing problem with time-varying travel times and a solution method,'International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control',2009,'Ji, Ping; Wu, Yongzhong; Liu, Haozhao; Wu, Hongtao; '
•Optimizing PCB assembly for family setup strategy,Assembly Automation,2009,'Wu, Yongzhong; Ji, Ping; Ho, William; '
•A scheduling problem for PCB assembly: a case with multiple lines,The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2009,'Wu, Yongzhong; Ji, Ping; '
•Solving the quadratic assignment problems by a genetic algorithm with a new replacement strategy,International Journal of Computational Intelligence,2008,'Wu, Yongzhong; Ji, Ping; '
•An empirical study of a pure genetic algorithm to solve the capacitated vehicle routing problem,ICIC Express Letters,2008,'Wu, Yongzhong; Ji, Ping; Wang, Ting; '
•Solving the quadratic assignment problems by a genetic algorithm with a new replacement strategy,International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences,2007,'Wu, Yongzhong; Ji, Ping; '
•A heuristic approach for component scheduling on a high-speed PCB assembly machine,Production Planning and Control,2007,'Ho, William; Ji, Ping; Wu, Yongzhong; '
Conference papers:
•Personalized Recommendation with User Categories of Different Behavior Modes: A Case in an E-Commerce Platform in China,Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Information Technology,2019,'Wu, Yongzhong; Chen, Xiangying; Wu, Xiaoli; '
•Optimal Pricing for Flash Sale Considering Stock Value and Amount of Unique Visitors,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering,2018,'Wu, Yongzhong; Huang, Simin; '
•Modeling Passengers' Choice in Ride-Hailing Service with Dedicated-Ride Option and Ride-Sharing Option,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering,2018,'Wu, Yongzhong; Chen, Xiangying; Ma, Jingwen; '
•Box office forecasting for a cinema with movie and cinema attributes,2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis (ICCCBDA),2018,'Wu, Yongzhong; Huang, Wentao; Lu, Yuxin; Liu, Jiangwen; '
•Order assignment and routing for online food delivery: Two meta-heuristic methods,'Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence',2017,'Lu, Yuxin; Wu, Yongzhong; Zhou, Yongwu; '
•Association rules and collaborative filtering on sparse data of a leading online retailer,2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM),2017,'Wu, Yongzhong; Huang, Mianmian; Lu, Yuxin; '
•Metro-Based Park-and-Ride Facilities in Guangzhou City--Evaluation of Facility Locations and Parking Rate Policy in Central Area, Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016, “Wu, Yongzhong; Jose, Holguin-Veras; Felipe Aros-Vera ”
•Analysis of port and inland transport mode selection,2014 11th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM),2014,'Wu, Yongzhong; Liu, Jiangwen; Peng, Cui; '
•A new replacement strategy for genetic algorithm and computational experiments,'2014 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control',2014,'Wu, Yongzhong; Liu, Jiangwen; Peng, Cui; '
•An analysis of capacity and service level of the container terminals of Hong Kong,2013 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2013,'Wu, Yongzhong; Peng, Cui; '
•An improved artificial bee colony algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with time-dependent travel times,Tenth international symposium on operations research and its applications (ISORA 2011),2011,'Ji, Ping; Wu, Yongzhong; '
•Quadratic programming for the vehicle routing problem,International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications,2008,'Ji, Ping; Wu, Hongtao; Wu, Yongzhong; '
•A solution method for the quadratic assignment problem (QAP),'The Sixth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA2006), Xinjiang, China, August',2006,'Ji, Ping; Wu, Yongzhong; Liu, Haozhao; '