



  • 主要研究兴趣


    Supply Chain Management,specifically in Inventory theory,  Inventory Management,Stochastic and Markov Decision Process,Inventory Management for Perishable Product,etc.

  • 讲授课程


    Introduction to Operations Management、Inventory Management

  • 教育经历


    Huazhong University of Science & Technology,BSci.,2001;Huazhong University of Science & Technology,MEng.,2004;The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,PhD,2009.

  • 工作经历

    2011.6~2014.9 华南理工大学 工商管理学院  讲师

    2016.3~2017.3 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校  工业系统工程系访问学者

    2014.9~至今    华南理工大学 工商管理学院  副教授

  • 奖誉

    2013~2014 华南理工大学统一战线“优秀信息员”

    2012    年华南理工大学“优秀班主任”

    2009    年获Beta Gamma Sigma会员

    2004-2008 年获香港科技大学Phd全额奖学金

  • 主要成果


    Wu, X., Wang, W., Lan, P., Wu, Y.*,(2019). Research on Retailer's Optimal Ordering Policy under Guaranteed Pick-up and Prepayment Fianncing. 2019 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM), .

    Yongzhong Wu, Xiangying Chen, Xiaoli Wu*(2019). Personalized Recommendation with User Categories of Different Behavior Modes – A Case in an E-Commerce Platform in China. DMBD. Seoul, Korean, July 2019.

    Wu, X., Cheng, Y., & Zhou, Y. (2018). Research on Retailer's Ordering Decision Under Credit Rating with Stochastic Demand Influenced by Sales Effort. 2018 15th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM), 1-6.

    Shu, Z.G. and Wu, X.L*. (2018) The Route Planning on Campus Bus in H University. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 8, 473-486. https://doi.org/10.4236/ajibm.2018.83031

    Liao, P., Ye, F., & Wu, X. (2019). A comparison of the merchant and agency models in the hotel industry. International Transactions in Operational Research, 26(3), 1052-1073.

    Li Q, Yu P, Wu X. Shelf life extending packaging, inventory control and grocery retailing [J]. Production & Operations Management, 2017 , 26 (7) :1369-1382.

    Li Q, He Q M, Wu X*. Timing order fulfillment of capital goods under a constrained capacity [J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2016, 241(1): 431–456.

    Li Q, Yu P, Wu X. Managing perishable inventories in retailing: replenishment, clearance sales, and segregation [J]. Operations Research, 2016, 64(1): 1270-1284.

    Yong-wu Zhou, Zong-liang Wen, Xiaoli Wu*. A single-period inventory and payment model with partial trade credit. Computers & Industrial Engineering,[J] V90, P132-145, 2015. (SCI)

    吴晓黎*,卢晓珊. 广州血库供需情况调研以及配送问题的探讨. [J].华南理工大学学报(社会科学版). 2014年12月第16卷第5期, P30-35.

    吴晓黎*,万常海,周永务,基于收益共享契约的零售商押金补货策略研究     [J].运筹与管理, 2014 23(2).

    Li, Q. , Wu, X. , & Cheung, K. L. . (2009). Optimal policies for inventory systems with separate delivery-request and order-quantity decisions. Operations Research, 57(3), 626-636.

    Wu, X. , Wan, C. H. , & Zhou, Y. W. . (2013). Research on Retailer's Ordering Decision under bank financing. International Conference on Service Systems & Service Management. IEEE.

    Wen, Z. L., Wu, X.*, & Zhou, Y. W. (2014). Dynamic ordering policies under partial trade credit financing. International Conference on Service Systems & Service Management.

    温宗良, 吴晓黎, 周永务, et al. 部分交易信用下易逝品动态库存控制模型[J]. 系统管理学报, 2017(3).

    Xiaoli Wu, Jiacheng Zhou. Retailer's Optimal ordering decision with trade credit and financing consideration. IIE Asian 2014 Proceeding (EI) . July 2014.



    基于交易信用和现金流量的动态库存管理 2012

    考虑企业信用等级的供应链金融融资及运营决策研究 2020

    广东省育苗工程研究项目:可变周期的易逝品供应链分析 2012



    2:基于资金流的供应链运作策略与商业支付信用问题研究 2014              


    Research on Retailer's Optimal Ordering Policy under Guaranteed Pick-up and Prepayment Fianncing, ISSSM 16, Shenzhen, 2019.7 Best Paper Award.

    “Optimal Policies for Inventory Systems with Ordering Postponement”, Multi-Echelon 会议, MSOM 2007, 北京, 2007年6月. (全文提交)

    “Optimal Policies for Inventory Systems with Ordering Postponement”, International Symposium on Supply Chain Management, 海南, 2008年12月.

    “Managing the Inventories of Perishable goods with Controllable Shelf Lives”, POMS 会议, 温哥华, 2010年5月.

  • 学术兼职


    曾作为审稿人为以下杂志审稿:《运筹与管理》《Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering》《Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research》
