



  • 基本信息/Self Introduction:

    党媛媛,华南理工大学副教授,博士生导师。主持国家自然科学基金 1 项、省部级科研项目 5 项(省自科面上 2 项、省社科青年 1 项、博士后面上 1 项,市社科规划一般项目1项)。主要研究领域为数智化医疗健康服务与管理,研究成果发表与MISQ, ISR, JMIR, ITP等期刊。每年可招博士1-2名,硕士2名。

  • 研究领域/Research Fields:

    电子健康(eHealth),医疗健康大数据管理(Big data in Healthcare IT),移动医疗健康管理(mHealth),田野实验(Field Experiment)

  • 硕博招生/MAster & Ph.D. Recruitment:



    1. 拥有医学、计算机科学、信息技术或相关领域的本科或硕士学位。

    2. 在相关领域拥有优秀的学术和/或职业背景。

    3. 基础的统计、数据分析和编程技能。

    4. 具备团队合作精神,良好的沟通能力。

  • 主授课程/Courses Offered:


  • 工作经历/Experience:

    2021.01-2024.01, 华南理工大学工商管理学院,助理研究员

    2024.01-至今  , 华南理工大学工商管理学院,副教授,博士生导师

  • 科研项目/Research Projects:

    1. 2022-2024 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(72101090),项目名称:慢性病移动医疗应用程序用户激励机制研究, 主持

    2. 2019-2021 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(71801062),项目名称:在线医疗社区中医患间医疗保健资源的社会交换研究, 主要参与者

    3. 2018-2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71871074),项目名称:基于社交媒体支持的医疗保健-作用机理与模式创新, 主要参与者

  • 代表性论文/Selected Publications:

    Journal Papers

    1. Anindya Ghose, Xitong Guo, Beibei Li, Yuanyuan Dang. Empowering patients using smart mobile health platforms: evidence from a randomized field experiment. MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.  (SCI, UTD24 Top Journals)

    2. Elina Hwang, Xitong Guo, Yong Tan, Yuanyuan Dang. Rebalancing geographic healthcare disparity through telemedicine consultation. Information Systems Research, accepted.  (SCI, UTD24 Top Journals).

    3. Yuanyuan Dang, Shanshan Guo, Xitong Guo, Doug Vogel. Privacy Protection in Online Health Communities: Natural Experimental Empirical Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020, 22(5): e16246. (SCI)

    4. Yuanyuan Dang, Shanshan Guo, Xitong Guo, Mohan Wang, and Kexin Xie. 'Privacy Concerns About Health Information Disclosure in Mobile Health: Questionnaire Study Investigating the Moderation Effect of Social Support.' JMIR mHealth and uHealth,2021, 9(2): e19594.

    5. Yuanyuan Dang, Tao Hong, Zhonggen Mao. Duplication or experimentation: how local governors make policies under new administrative circumstances. Applied Economics Letters, 2017, 24(19): 1403-1407. (SCI)

    Conference Papers

    6. Yuanyuan Dang, Xitong Guo, Doug Vogel. Make app engage based on three field experiments. Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2020), Online, June 20-24, 2020.

    7. Weiwei Sun, Yuanyuan Dang, Xitong Guo. The impact of a new App channel on physician’s performance: Evidence From Online Healthcare Natural Experiment. The 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019), Grand Wailea, Maui, Jan 8-11, 2019.

    8. Elina Hwang, Xitong Guo, Yong Tan, Yuanyuan Dang. Mobilizing healthcare across geography through telemedicine consultations. The 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018), San Francisco, December 13-16, 2018.

    9. Yuanyuan Dang, Xitong Guo, Bin Gu, Yifan He. Do money incentives matter? The case of online health in China. Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2017), Houston, October 22-25, 2017.

    10.Jason Chan, Yuanyuan Dang, Xitong Guo, Anindya Ghose. Make healthcare Apps great again: the role of incentives and cues in promoting App usage. Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2017), Houston, October 22-25, 2017.

    11.Yuanyuan Dang, Xitong Guo, Bin Gu, Yifan He. Do money incentives matter? The case of online health in China. The 11th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2017), Nanjing, June 24-25, 2017.

    12.Elina Hwang, Xitong Guo, Yong Tan, Yuanyuan Dang. Rebalancing geographic healthcare disparity through telemedicine consultation. Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA 2017), Washington, November 3-4, 2017. (Best Student Paper Nomination)

  • 社会兼职/Services:

    期刊Journal of Medical Internet Research审稿人

    期刊International Journal of Electronic Commerce审稿人

    国际顶级会议ICIS 2020, CIST 2019, AMCIS 2019, AMCIS 2020, HICSS 53审稿人

    Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (Informs)会员
